Saturday, June 16, 2007


Saturday Morning

I have been out of the house as much as possible so that people can look at the house. Mostly I don't have a lot of my things here anymore. I have very little furniture left here, having put the few items of furniture I really am fond of in the shed, and having gotten rid of the rest. It' not cluttered here and would take a VERY short time for me to leave once the place does sell. I did have the old rose bush trained on Friday. A friend of mine is a daughter of the McMahan family who run McMahan's nursery trained the rose bush and it's been very mild weather since. That same rose bush is over 100 years old, she estimates it might be 130 years old. Trained to the topped tree, it looks like a rose tree. This bush broke up a trellis, killed a Rose-of-Sharon that was planted too close and half killed a maple tree that started up by it. It can't get rid of that topped maple though. There is a Siberian elm that is fool enough to try to grow in the middle of the other rose bush, that isn't working out so well for the usually invasive Siberian elm! These roses have huge woody canes, and have very fragrant blooms. Lovely blooms.
Anyway I WILL haunt anyone who removes those roses! They are a part of the history of our Gulag.

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