Sunday, June 17, 2007


Kultur Korner:

Probably most Americans are familiar with Toby Keith's post 9/11 song, which I think I have remarked on negatively at some time or another on this site and definitely, in personal conversations with friends, as having been therapeutic in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 but as having worn thin since with myself anyway. I learned something I didn't know about Toby Keith on Friday, AND have meant to put something up about it here. Toby Keith while he's very patriotic, and loves America, is not now and never has been in favor of the war in Iraq. It was news to me, I read it in a publication called 'On' put out Fridays by the Yakima Herald Republic. I was totally surprised, and wanted to share it, but things have been crazy around here. Besides, I can't post a link because after a few days YHR makes you pay to read stuff, and I can't just copy it because that's a copyright infringement, and I'm trying to keep things legal around here. So you might want to check the Yakima Herald Republic for Friday, June 15, 2007 and the 'On' supplement, this information is probably out elsewhere as well.
As I said, it surprised me to learn this. Toby Keith has felt bad about negative reaction to his song, and about the assumption that he favors the war. As someone who has had that assumption I want to apologize. I am glad that there was some clarification on what he thinks.

Was it along the lines of this interview with him in the Salt Lake Tribune?
This article is a bit more detailed on his opinions actually! Thanks Catherine! :)
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