Saturday, June 09, 2007


How to be Woken Up:

Courtesy of N.P.R.

Slavic Soul Party

This is what happens when a half American, half Serbian Gypsy born in Louisiana grows up in New York, I woke up in a way better mood than usual, not that I'm a grouch in the mornings, I usually wake up in a decent mood, but this was REALLY nice to wake up to, and I know a LOT of my usual readers will like this, you get to listen to some of their tunes, so I will somewhat later, my neighbors may not like this sort of thing as much as I do, and even my non-Gringo neighbors may prefer that the gratification be postponed....

We're down the road in Salem, OR. I just posted my review of SSP at Your comments are welcome! Have you ever heard Carol Silverman (of Eugene) play with Yuri Yunakov? It's a great band to watch this Pacific Northwest summer sun set with.


Welcome, thanks for visiting and commenting! No I havent heard Ms.
yet, I will keep an ear out for her.
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