Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Yakima Gulag People's Institute For Re:Education CLOSED for Today

Local news first. Last night on K.I.T. it was announced that Y.V.C.C. would be closed for today due to a 'credible threat'. I don't know who gave this 'credible threat' but I am really sick of the whole concept of people being able to shut down education and other important social functions by making these threats. The college is doing what it must given recent news. The threatener whoever he or she is, is disrupting things and deserves to be found and taken out of circulation. This sort of thing is what comes of letting people with dangerous mental instability loose with only some drugs and no one to talk with.

Threat of violence puts schools on edge


Today's Balkans news.



Bulgaria Working Day and Night to Prevent People Trafficking


9 Bulgarians Found in Macedonia


Kryptonite found in Serbia


Serbia: Lawyers for family of assassinated PM demand heavy prison terms


This story is more than a delayed bar mitzvah...

Holocaust survivor finally gets bar mitzvah

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