Sunday, April 29, 2007


Today's news

In Croatian only, but the gist of it is that kids in school in Croatia are having a rotten time. I had a rotten time at school myself. School can be pretty terrible, but there is no need for school to be terrible, it can be good, and kids can still learn.

Svaki treći 15-godišnjak zbog škole pati od teške depresije

In Croatian only also but DAMN! Maybe Croatia just isn't looking hard enough for either Mladić or Karadžić!

Srpski mafijaši za RH putovnicu daju 4000 eura

A very sad but informative article. Frankly I think it says a good bit about our resettlement methods here in America. On the one hand we are more open about resettlement for refugees than a great many other nations, on the other, we can do better and it would not be so costly to do it.
I am glad to see some degree of self help.

Bosnians in America

Račan has died. Taking that long inevitably means a lot of suffering for both patient and family.

Račan Dies of Cancer

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