Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Closed sign

Closed sign
Originally uploaded by Yakima_gulag.
One of the closed signs around the perimeter of the Yakima Gulag People's Institute of Higher Re:Education.

just read down the next part of the blog to see the explaination.

I can only recall one major threat to my high school (and none on my college campus). There was a rumour of a bomb threat; and they had us under lockdown for a little while, (because they were afraid that the bomb threat was a ruse to get us out of the school and start shooting, like what occured in AK). The bomb threat was false and just someone's attempt to get out of school. There was another lockdown as well during lunch, but that was because there was a medical emergency in one of the hallways; and they didn't want the students to distrupt the medical officials.
We've had bomb threats at YVCC before but not in a long time and when they happened before the whole campus wasn't closed down.
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