Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Badly designed but cute outfit

Badly designed but cute outfit
Originally uploaded by Yakima_gulag.
Random Rant:

Just for the Hell of it, I took a seris of pictures of things I think are badly designed, to explain why. This outfit was given to me by a very nice lady. She doesn't realize that the first thing that's wrong with it is that I'm not thin enough to wear it. That she doesn't realize this is one of the reasons she's a sweet person. And the fact I'm not thin enough is my own damn fault for liking nice things to eat.

Here is where I have to ask what the designer was thinking though.... The name in the little vest, which matches the rest of the outfit was 'Steven Ross Naturally' the vest was not obnoxious in any way, missing some buttons, but I could fix that. If I had any black buttons about, or felt like going and buying some... The vest is o.k. and it even fits. The rest of the outfit which has the label 'Paquette Too!' has however one HUGE problem...the long zipper down the BACK!

I want to know how I'm supposed to go to the bathroom in a hurry? With shalwar, there's no problem just untie the string drop your knickers and you are so to speak 'good to go' with a skirt, it's even simpler, raise the skirt, drop the knickers and again you are all set. If there is a zipper in back, a LONG zipper I might add, the type that catches easily, the type that could get mixed up with my hair.. and let's face it, while I'm in great shape for a lady my age, remarkably limber and all, I'd have to be a circus contortionist to quickly unzip myself at a critical moment. Since this outfit is tightly cut in a critical area, the option fashionable in the community of astronaut ladies... the adult diaper isn't an option. This little outfit would be too tight on me even if it did fit, to hide something like the fact I was wearing Depends, even a Poise pad (t.m.) would leave tell tale bulges. I have the sneaking feeling you aren't supposed to wear any underwear with this thing...

A few times I've remarked on the fact that designers are totally out of touch with reality when it comes to the female body, sooner or later women need to use the facilities. . . and we don't want the upper half of our garments flapping around our knees, at risk of landing in the water that no one but Fido and Fluffy care to drink...or the floor for that matter, which may or may not be dry, and which probably isn't all that clean either way in a public setting. Listen I'd NEVER wear anything this inconvenient at HOME!

If this outfit were in seperate pieces, a nice white blouse, nice black culottes, and a nice little jacket, maybe it would not be my absolute first choice, but I'd wear it to a job, and feel pleased. If they added some decent pockets it would be even nicer, but noooooo they don't do that. Despite the polka-dots, it's not an absolute horror. If it were decently designed, in the way I suggested, it'd be a perfectly o.k. outfit for a 50ish lady to wear places like work...out to lunch, if she's in a libral congregation, maybe even to's fairly modest, why not?
But there's that zipper situation...
So..I'm supposed to hope the hook in the ladies room is there so I can hang the bag I'd need to carry, and I'm supposed to hope I can unzip the badly located zipper in time....or that maybe Prince Charming will be delighted to help me with the zipper, or maybe my evil step-sister? I am not in a mood to ask favors like that of anyone at a time like that! I bet no man would put up with such a humiliating design!

I think going to the can in a hoopskirt would be easier!

Designers...GET A CLUE!!!! you wanna design things with zippers in the back, sell them to the guys that need clothes they want to take off their sex dolls! Don't try to sell that kind of features to a living breathing woman who has a normally functioning body!

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