Tuesday, February 27, 2007


When dogs fly...

this dog seems to like weightlessness, how many people get doggy kisses in mid-air? c'mon? how many?

I started some kvas last night. I've never made it before. My mother used to make it to make soup with, and to drink, but my step father didn't like it, and it takes some effort to make and she was too busy with her writing, so she didn't make it again when I was bigger, meaning I didn't get shown how to make it, meaning I had to get a recipe off the internet, I just picked one for black bread kvas that sounded close to what she said she used to do, and proceeded. So far it looks like all is going well.
I have some big three liter bottles that soda came in for the second stage of the operation, which should take place this evening.
I've decided to not have as much soda, but plain water isn't always what I want, kvas does involve yeast and fermentation but it contains very little or no alchol, so it's a good alternative and it's way lower in sugar than soda. In short a nice compromise between having a beer or having a soda. It smells like it'll taste nice.
I'll be back later with some real news. This is going to be a busy day for me.

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