Saturday, February 10, 2007


Sorry I slept late.

Protests and riots aren't this orderly as in this training film anywhere. Love the totally cheezy Bollywood muzika!

50 Injured in Kosovo Riot

I don't like that rubber bullets were used, things definately got ugly here.

Home of Karadžić Supporter in BiH Searched

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There will be a showing at YVCC of 'An Inconvenient Truth' the controversial Al Gore film on Global Warming. Again I agree that climate change is occuring, I have my doubts about how much is human caused and how much is caused by other factors. I also don't think it's fair that the U.S. should cut back on various fossil fuels if China and India don't. I think in fact the Chinese and Indian use of these fuels is one of the legit right wing arguments on this. Still I'm going and see the film and hope that others will too.

Community Announcement: YVCC will be showing the film, An Inconvenient Truth, in the YVCC Kendall Auditorium on Saturday (2/24) at 7:00 PM and Sunday (2/25) at 1:00 PM. It is free to the public and serves as a warm -up to a student-led symposium on global warming on the YVCC campus in Parker room of the Decio building on Wednesday evening 7:00 PM. At the symposium students will present aspects of the global warming in different formats to stimulate discussion on the issue. People are encouraged to attend both the film and the symposium.

The police sat outside my place for HOURS with their flashers on. What was up with that very much?

Coming down to it, life is not fair, and the Chinese and the Indians would only BENEFIT from not having so much pollution as the price of industry, in some technologies, they've bypassed a stage here or ther.
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