Friday, February 23, 2007


Free Range Chicken in the Yakima Gulag!?!

So I call Trinity to let her know I found more 'W' magazines and Interviews for her, and she was out with Scarlele, and Scarlele had to brake suddenly, she became an honorary Bosnian at that moment because she braked for get this ....chickens are really freerange there, and people are decent enough to brake for them. I saw this with my own eyes.
you ready for this ....
a black and white ROOSTER,,, for those of you in Rio Del, a rooster is a male CHICKEN!

I asked for a more complete description of events, Scarlele told me the chicken was flying around North 16th Ave, and came smacking into the windshield, he then hit the street, then ran for the sidewalk, apparently not in bad shape considering...Scarele said she would not be surprised if this was a game cock, they are prettier of course than chickens who are not used for fighting.

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