Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Bleak but strangely warm weather in our gulag

Croatian Journalist Convicted by ICTY for Contempt of Court

Serbian FM warns Serbia could destabilize Europe if Kosovo becomes independent

Bulgarian Nationalist Hangs Anti-Turk Poster in Parliment

There are both ethnic Turks and Muslims of Slavic ancestry such as the Pomaks in Bulgaria.

Last night I decided to try the orange wine I made a couple years ago, it no longer smells like library paste, that's usually a good sign to try a fruit based wine. I didn't really like it that well. Probably since I had to make it with bread yeast due to at that time the total unavailability of some other type of yeast such as champagne yeast, it's just not going to be as good. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either. I had it with some pasta, that I put vegetables and goat cheese with. Actually the flavor was not too imcompatible with what I ate, so that wasn't the problem, it's either one of my rare bad batches or needs more time.
I've only done like four bad batches of anything. My first batch of mead wasn't wonderful, then again that mead was a first batch, and it was still way better than some SCA member's mead I've tasted, I did some blackberry wine that was so vile I was compelled to pour it out in the garden. I normally like black berries but as juice or jam. I can't eat them whole, the seeds are way too hard on me.
and then I tried making some wine from maple syrup, I was careful that it was pure maple syrup, and even had some decent yeast that time, but it was just not nice, and never again.
Most of what I produce by way of alcholic beverages turns out pretty damn good.

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