Friday, January 26, 2007


Good Morning Yakima Gulag!!!

The Big News this morning is of course Kosovo.

Kosovo Plan Presented

Romania Fears More Illegal Border Crossings From East

Russia Said to Seek Delay in Kosovo Plan

N.A.T.O. Girds for "Hot Spring" in Kosovo, Afghanistan

In the Yakima Gulag it's cold and the freezing fog is everywhere. The frost is quite lovely really. Not good driving weather, not good flying weather, the perfect day to be home and have some coffee. I made fried apples with raisins for breakfast. Yesterday's headache has lifted, and despite it I got a lot done yesterday. Today promises to be better. There is a corner with lots of boxes I am dealing with. I am getting rid of a lot of books I don't need anymore. Once they are separated from books I will keep, I intend to call someone who deals in old books and magazines and sell the ones I don't want. Whatever he doesn't take I'll give to charity. I found a couple of really cute books that used to belong to my children, Puff the Magic Dragon, which believe it or not was a favorite with Ivan the Terrible, and Mud Pies and Other Recipes, a favorite of my daughter the baker.

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