Thursday, December 28, 2006


Stupidity on the Sean Hannity show

I don't know what the Hell they were playing at on the Sean Hannity show. He's had a substitute who decided to have an interview with a 'High Level Al Qaida' type.

So I hear this accent, this accent that makes me think of people in that book, 'The Grapes of Wrath' and I hear him throwing around terminology related somewhat to Islam and to Islamic extremists. Right away I flashed on it, this guy is DEFINATELY NOT an Arab, and he's definately not African, or South Asian, his first language is English, the way it's spoken in Oklahoma and Arkansas. Not only that, I sussed that there was no way he was a convert to the Muslim religion, in short NO WAY IN HELL was he involved with Al Qaida.

A lot of listeners though were taken in and called to in one case tell him a smart bomb would go right down his throat. This happy horse shit went on for like an hour. I KNEW this guy wasn't any description of Muslim, not born one, not a convert, and not an extremist. I was starting to get angry with the insult to my intelligence.

At the end they revealed that this guy was really somebody named Bard E. O'Neill. Yeah he knows some stuff but he better not try the 'High Al Qaida Operative' štik again, it's not clever, it's not cute, it's not funny and it's not particularly educational. Just go ahead and say the guy is an instructor at the War College and whatever books he wrote and do a straight interview. It would even if I disagreed with some aspect or other of his points, make me respect the man more.

This was stupid. I would have called in but I know what happens, you sit there forever for damn well ever and get screened and then insulted if you are not one of their type of conservative and then maybe come up against a commercial. I liked when the military intelligence guy called and seemed fooled, that was phoney too I bet.

Such a stupid ploy for ratings!

WTF. Even if I agreed with their politics, which I certainly do not, using such a lame ploy as that is certainly no way to endure themselves to listeners or to make them appear as a respectable talk radio show.
I don't know, those MI pukes are fooled easily! LOL!!!

I wasn't going to comment on this until I read "MI"! Bunch of ignorant, well, I better not say:)

I actually know someone who was MI in Afghanistan, and he is an o.k. guy. He's an instructor at the college here. Again I don't agree with the war, but he's at least bothered to learn something and he'd NEVER have called some talk show to spout off like that. But then there's exceptions to every rule! :)
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