Thursday, December 07, 2006


Litivenko denied Muslim funeral

Could in fact Litvinenko have been killed over his religious conversion?

He was denied the customary funeral due to the radiation, the British felt it would have been too dangerous for the mourners, and the type of coffin might have been a danger too. This denial comes after a lot of reassuring statements to the public that polonium 210 has to be ingested to be dangerous.

I've heard things around here from others that there was a plot involving him training Alquada in WOMDs??? I don't beleive it but, if this is reality, I would put the blame of his death on America! Not that would be a bad thing though!

Who knows what was really going on? We will probably never know.
I think it has way more to do with the Russians than with America. There isn't any al Qaida in Chechnya, that place is simply too rough for them! Besides the ineptitude with which radioactive matierials were handled just doesn't scream U.S.A. to me. American agents would have found some less flamboyant method.
I just heard on NPR this morning that Putin, that old KGB signed a law permitting FSB to kill 'enemies of Russia' abroad. Not that it hasn't happened without the cover of law many times in the past.
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