Friday, December 22, 2006


Evening Updates.

Four Bosnian Serbs Indicted for War Crimes

Evangelical Church Firebombombed in Serbia

I should mention that the Evangelicals are taken a poor view of in many Balkans countries, as are the LDS and Jehovah's Witnesses.
At times this disapproval has taken the form of violence.

Albania Siezes Assets of Alleged bin-Ladin Associate

Five Accused of Helping Hide Mladic Temporarily Freed\ACQDJON200612221516DOWJONESDJONLINE000784.htm&selected=9999&selecteddisplaysymbol=9999&StoryTargetFrame=_top&mkt=WORLD&chk=unchecked〈=&link=&headlinereturnpage=

At Least 120,000 persons a year trafficked in the Balkans

Robust Rule of Law Crucial in the Balkans

I think that a really good legal system is a good idea anywhere. Not one clogged by litigious idiots, one that works, and works reliably so that people fear the law not the judge, and so that people obey the law. Law removes the reason for taking personal revenge, and right there that's important. When law doesn't work, people do take matters into their own hands. They bribe and steal and otherwise contribute to disorder, and then matters slide slowly into people having to band together for mutual self protection. That is a bad situation.

Warning! This IS the Daily Mail and they can be a bit dodgy. No British reader needs to be told that but a great many Americans wouldn't know...

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