Monday, December 18, 2006



Woke up to 16 degrees but it felt like less. There's frost all over the place. Black ice warnings, etc. Of course they found one of the guys who was climbing Mt. Hood, and he is dead, they haven't officially identified the body. Two still missing, and it's been a week. You know this is probably not going to be good news. People outside the gulag here and there are without power. Some fairly well-to-do people have been showing up in the warming shelters. Actually some people can't even call for help since their only phones are cordless, and you see in the U.S. landlines usually remain up when other means of making a call are down. There's been a rash of carbon monoxied poisonings too. Basically if you are all one sort of heating it can be a bad idea. I'm ok here obviously, the electricity is working, and there's heat, and it looks like the people I know who'se power was out got power, saw the electric company truck on their street anyway.

Swedish National Convicted of Torture in Bosnian War

This is not an endorsement one way or the other. Not even sure this counts as news.

Let Iraq Break Up, Let Kosovo Leave Serbia

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