Sunday, December 24, 2006


Badnjak Noć*

Europe's Cultural Capitols,0,3164877.story?coll=chi-homepagetravel-hed

The very interesting story of Germans who went to Romania in the 12 century is told in part of this article.

Sretan Božić to my regular readers on all continents and in all nations. In the two years of doing this blog, maybe my readership isn't huge, but there are people who read what I post here regularly and who comment pretty regularly. It has been very rewarding and I have enjoyed it.

Now I will indulge my love of footnotes!Footnotes are an old fashioned thing in books, and how one may find out many worthwhile things by surprise. I love footnotes!

*Badnjak Noć is the night before Christmas, a badnjak is the Slavic equivalent of the Yule log, in different Slavic countries there are different traditions related to the badnjak, a log cut in the forest from a species of oak. It is decorated with nuts, figs,honey, and it is burned the night before Christmas. Many sparks from it are supposed to be significant of cattle and wealth. It is not ENTIRELY burned however. Pieces of it are put in the fruit trees after Christmas is over, to ensure the fruitfulness of those trees. This custom is very ancient and dates back to Pagan times. It's done by nearly all Slavic people in one way or another.

Sretan Božić! Merry Christmas!
Sretan Božić!i Sretna Nova Godina!
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