Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Wednesday Random Updates,

Play abourtKosovo

More on the rocketing of the mosque in West Mostar

Incidentally there wasn't anything in the usual sources I look at about the desecrated Catholic cemetary. The very non-reporting of it is the sort of thing right-wingers liike to use.

Charges filed against suspected aide of fugitive Serbian general Ratko Mladic

Can We all say 'Psycho Bitch from Hell?'

Kultur Shock

I needed another excuse to inflict the etnopunk sound of Kultur Shock on my fellow zeks and the considerable international readership of Yakima Gulag Literary Gazett

Charges filed against suspected aide of fugitive Serbian general Ratko Mladic

I needed another excuse to inflict the etnopunk sound of Kultur Shock on my fellow zeks and the considerable international readership of Yakima Gulag Literary Gazett

Kosovo Rises in International Agenda

On the North Korean Nuclear test, there's been some question whether in fact anything nuclear was tested, or if the test was a dud, I don't think it's good either way.
Japan had a big fat earthquake too, and that didn't do much good. I think a big enough explosion, nuclear or otherwise could set off an earthquake. It would have to be just so on a seizmic fault. and now they are threatening war if anyone does sanctions. Like I said, totally taking advantage of the way that the U.S. is tied down in Iraq.

ICTY Rejects Croatian Bid

Barr Closes Deal on Pliva

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Article on OSCE

Of course it was a heavy news day so far and I woke up late, Here I am in the Hopeless Union Building at the Yakima Gulag People's Institute of Higher Re:Education, and I know for a fact one instructor finally reads this blog on some basis. HI!

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