Saturday, August 12, 2006


Saturday Morning

WARNING, there is a really unpleasant picture of a scull that has been dug up, so I am going to put the article below without that picture so I don't upset anyone who might be easily upset by such a picture. Besides it's via an Iranian news source.

Ninth Mass Grave Found at Kamenica

Forensic experts said on Friday they had unearthed 133 complete skeletons and more than 900 body parts of victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre of Muslims at the biggest mass grave found in Bosnia.

The Jaz mass grave is the ninth site with the remains of Srebrenica victims to be found around the eastern village of Kamenica.

Bodies were moved to the Jaz grave from the site of the massacre to conceal the traces of the crime.

"This is the biggest mass grave in Bosnia," Murat Hurtic of the Muslim-Croat federation's regional team for missing persons told Reuters at the site.

About 2,500 Srebrenica victims have been identified and buried while remains in 3,500 body bags still await DNA identification.

This is not helpful behavior:

Israelis Open Fire on Refugee Column

Cyrillic Letters Could Become Third EU Recognized Official Alphabet

File Under 'Pagan Studies'

Holbrooke Analysis of Middle East Conflict

It was downright CHILLY this morning, I liked that! I have nearly a normal appetite. I put some instant rice on, which I'll be having for breakfast shortly. I am going to be boxing up the light reading type books today. The sheer volume of volumes is somewhat reduced. I can sort of get around in here and that is nice. Someone else can be amused by these books. I am keeping some books, those useful potentially professionally, and some that have been in the family for a very long time.

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