Monday, August 21, 2006



I had to delete Sunday altogether because I don't know what the Hell is going on over at Blogger. I suspect some sort to hack. The links worked before. I don't need this sort of thing. Incidentally personally to one of the people who is a regular. I am tired of having patience. I am tired of things going wrong when I'm doing nothing but post useful information for my readers. I am losing patience with this sort of thing generally. I checked everything. Blogger is very glitchy. If you don't believe me, try doing this yourself. You'll see that I'm write about these glitches. I HATE it. I want to hurt someone every time that happens. If whoever makes these glitches falls into my hands some day, there is no part of that individual or individuals anatomy that won't be affected by how many Hague Tribunal transcripts I've read.
Sometimes Blogger is messed up for DAYS at a time one way or the other, and there is NO excuse for it.

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