Thursday, August 24, 2006


About DAMN Time Someone Said this

Really Fighting the Terrorists!

Not everyone who travels is doing it for a stupid or bad reason. I agree that the chavsters who go on those day trips from Manchester to Malaga are doing something ridiculous,but I don't think it should be so harshly judged as that.
Travel is one of the ways people learn about the rest of the world. Maybe some of them will be mildly less ignorant and biggoted and that can only make life better all around.
I admit not all people are improved by travel, but making travel needlessly miserable for political reasons is not good a good thing either.
That's it, we liberals are NOT repeat NOT committing enough war crimes! Ethnically Cleanse the Rich!
Yes RIVERS of BLOOD CHAMPAGNE and Boullaibaise!
Bring? mvaxaxaxxaxax! I was thinking more in terms of liberating it from the dusty cellars and the clean kitchens of rich people!
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