Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Tadic Favors Elections in the Fall
Today's Mladic Update:
Serbia Refusing to Arrest Mladic\ACQDJON200607121038DOWJONESDJONLINE000660.htm&selected=9999&selecteddisplaysymbol=9999&StoryTargetFrame=_top&mkt=WORLD&chk=unchecked&lang=&link=&headlinereturnpage=
SERBIA: Rehn Visits EXIT Festival to Discuss Visa Regime
Serbian Poverty Level at 9%
Warning: Highly Annoying Pop-up that I think made my computer unhappy...
Bosnian Muslims Mark Anniversary of Srebenica Massacre
Where Milosevic's butchery held sway
News Release
Financial Sanctions: International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
Today is the Anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne. I thought I'd mention that date because it is from an era when the British Isles were a place of religious and ehtnic conflict on a very great scale. Many were exiled, lost their lands, their freedom and their lives. Some repercussions exist to this day, primarily in Northern Ireland, which right now is fairly calm but they had 30 years of 'low intensity conflict'. Whenever a Western European wants to talk about the Balkans as being a place of 'ancient hatreds' etc, they need to look at these sorts of things and remember that the same could be said of themselves. It can happen anywhere.