Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Evening Updates:

This story about the relations of the suspects in detention at The Hague is of interest because earlier I mentioned other incidents of ethnic and religious problems in other parts of Europe,namely Northern Ireland. In the prisons, such as Long Kesh, the guards had to keep the Loyalist and Republican prisoners carefully segregated, they had no feeling of common identity as Celts, the prisoners in the Hague DO however mostly, except for a couple Albanians, have a feeling of some common identity as Slavs. They view their common history very differently, but they sort of put that aside because under detention conditions they must in order to have any human interaction. The other thing is interaction accross ethnic/religious lines is as much a local tradition as the conflict is.
The normal thing in Northern Ireland was very little inter-religious inter-ethnic dating or even socializing.

Very Little Quarreling in Detention at The Hague

Milosevic Policies Compromise Serbia's Negotiating Position

I would maintain that there was far less intermarriage between groups than in for example BiH, and remember that a lot of the military figures in the Balkans were arrested when the conflict while it wasn't ongoing, it was pretty fresh. The biggest difference though, has to do with inter-ethnic and inter-religious marriages. While they occur in N.I., they are less common. I think too that a wise prison administrator is part of why things have gone reasonably for people in detention at The Hague, he is interestingly enough from Northern Ireland and Protestant. He learned a lot from mistakes in hte administration of the prison at Long Kesh! He's come under criticism since the death of Slobodan Milosevic for maybe running too loose of a ship, but a detention center of the type that the Hague is is only made more dangerous for the inmates and the guards by running it too strictly. It's a different situation in another way from Long Kesh, it's run by a 'neutral' party, and the inmates are still only 'suspects' the ones convicted get moved on to other places once they are convicted or aquitted. That probably makes the most difference of all, you don't have such a mix. As well most of them are leaders so you don't have a 'comandant' for each group. Maybe that is the most important difference of all.
I did post something about him AGES ago, I can't remember just when I posted it, but, it wasn't long before the passing of Milosevic.
Robben Island was worse from a physical point of view, but yes, the prison turned into a 'University of Revolution'
I think a wise prison administration in such situations is best advised to set things up so the prisoners either learn some job that may keep occupied later on, or get them to be fat and lazy.
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