Wednesday, June 14, 2006



Somebody put the Mujo and Haso seris on! Warning, this is NOT a clean joke, you don't see any untoward body parts, it's only hinted at, but the joke IS about condoms and fellatio so umm view at your own risk especially if you understand naski!

Sorry this is just STUPID! I can remember a situation where all three communities cheered for YUGOSLAVIJA during an Olympic volleyball match between Yugoslavia and Ukraine!
Then again things are a little more tense in Mostar than in some other places. It's sad because at one time people got along ok there.
I think though it's offensive to be in one country cheering for the team of another, so both the Bosnian Croats and the Bosnian Muslims were outta line as we say in the States.
On the up side, they were in the same establishment! That's actually a good thing!

Problems between Muslim and Croat Soccer Viewers in Mostar

Sorry I couldn't resist this! No Sex Please We Are British!

British Tourists Shocked by Hotel Porn in Bulgaria

I wonder if it was these people?

Porn Studio Busted

Big Earthquake in Albania\ACQDJON200606141038DOWJONESDJONLINE000701.htm&selected=9999&selecteddisplaysymbol=9999&StoryTargetFrame=_top&mkt=WORLD&chk=unchecked&lang=&link=&headlinereturnpage=

UN Lacks Resources to Aid Refugee Returns in Kosovo

XAXAXAXAXA! You want quiet, the major resort areas of the Balkans become bad for that at about this time of year, even if no one is doing a porn film in the next room! :)
Owen you kill me! joooj we are in REAL TIME HERE! LIVE from the Yakima Gulag!
Actually Owen it was that soccer row down at the pub!
Who ever gets offended by porn in another country needs to be kicked in the balls and punched in the gut!

And yes, Owen, that was funny!

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