Thursday, May 25, 2006


Sort of a slow news day...

Oh this is juicy!

Falsifikator Gotovinine putovnice
uhićen zbog farme marihuane

IDEALNI UVJETI U kući koju je unajmio poznati falsifikator Franjo Katavić, okrivljen da je krivotvorio putovnice generala Ante Gotovine, Hrvoja Petrača i Libera Matekovića, policija je pronašla ukupno 268 stabljika marihuane uzgajane u idealnim uvjetima

For those of you who can't read B/H/S... The forger who made Gen. Ante Gotovina's false passport was arrested due to th e fact he had a marijuana farm. there was a hell of a lot of pot there bad dudes and dudettes!

Big Pot Bust nets forger


Prince Calls for Return of Monarchy

My editorial take, I have more royal blood than the average American. It's nothing so special to have royal ancestors. The real reason it's cool to find them is at LAST you can find records that are both old and well kept. That was for a reason, to guarantee succession of course. THe thing is that the kings and queens of old were seldom good people, even the 'good' ones were more notable for being successful in war which is even when undertaken for the most just of causes, a vicious business.
Most of the well remembered good kings and queens were remembered for 1. being unusually successful in war, or 2. they really WERE good like St. Queen Jadwiga who founded colleges, or Queen Katarina Vukcic-Kosaca who did works of mercy for the poor and taught poor children to read, even when she was not a queen, or St. Queen Margaret of Scotland who again did works of mercy and fostered learning. Other queens were remembered as Marie Antoinette was remembered.....
I'm not saying that royal people can't be good, but it is so hard to be good and rule people. As far as Constitutional Monarchy goes well, that's silly subsidising a family just because of their blood-line! There is no point giving people money and housing and cheering the births of their children simply so they can run around cutting ribbons for highways and christening ships!
A monarchy that doesn't rule is a waste of money and a monarchy that does rule is an anachronism.

On the other hand I doubt that Mr. Karadjordjevic could do a worse job than the late Mr. Milosevic!

Montenegro itself was a monarchy and they had some of the hottest looking princesses ever to walk the earth! :)

Yesterday, President Vicente Fox of Mexico visited the Yakima Gulag, it was a low key visit, mostly a fact-finding tour. He visited a grower and some workers here, and was out by evening.

The Immigration Bill is still causeing agitation around here, it's very tiresome because this isn't the kind of reform I'd like to see.
The real key is to ease immigration law all around and take away all excuse for illegal entry. Legal aliens could not be so utterly exploited, they still probably would not make as much as born Americans or natualized Americans. I do not believe in makeing citizenship any easier, but I do favor making legal immigration easier. Then go ahead and tighten up the illegal means of entry.

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