Saturday, May 20, 2006


Nice, cool rainy morning! :)

Montenegro Prepares for Independance Vote

Estavisti has more on this probably. He has given a good deal of coverage to it.

As to the article below, it would not surprise me if this happens a lot more than we think it does!

Director of Orphanage for Albanian Children Arrested for Sexuaul Abuse

Note the disgusting mode of dress of the young lady! Seriously! This is pretty icky, it looks bad even on someone who'se body is good enough to carry it off which hers actually is! This custom of hanging out of car windows is really stupid! I would not care if my kid was old enough to graduate from High School, I'd spank him or her for it. I might let them off on the dressing so tackily for just that night, kids have to have some fun!

Prom Season in Bulgaria
This Looks Like Fun!

Fuel Prices to be Lowered in Serbia

Did a flame-war get out of hand?

Gunfight Skoplje Internet Cafe

Yet more division advocated

There are some similarities in what is going on now in Iraq, to what was going on in BiH, but one big difference, American presence ended ethnic cleansing in BiH and the American presence agrevated the situation in Iraq.


And just because this looks interesting...

Mechanical Cure for Depression

I was able to air the house nicely, it' s been rainy. My rose bush out back has begun to bloom. The nasty mold that afflicted it last year seems gone.

I need to put up some Queen of Hungary Water, and fresh roses make that recipe work better.

Yesterday there was a lovely rainbow, it was a double rainbow at one point, and was dark and magnificent, one of the best I ever saw. I of course ran for my camera and took pictures of it. I'll get t hem up as soon as I can.

Today there are a lot of things going on in the Yakima Gulag, the Yakima Live event. Actually I may attend if it stays cool. I can go see what is happening and maybe take pictures.

Weather here is sometimes quite odd, we may even get hail in some areas. The rain was very welcome. The air smells nicer and it's cooler.

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