Thursday, May 11, 2006


Good Evening Gentle Readers!

There were some interesting things on the radio. 1. on the Terry Gross show, which is an NPR programe, she's interviewing the author of a book on Christian Nationalism, Michelle Goldberg. Christian Nationalism is a perversion in the faith rampant in America. It's really a good interview.

Fresh Air

Particularly she's talking about 'Christian Reconstructionism' and 'Dominionism' which are TERRIBLE Taliban like things.
2The other thing that happened is Sean Hannity did something GOOD REALLY GOOD
He had a woman from the Phelps outfit on, I have seldom heard such a bigoted person on radio in the United States of America, frankly she belongs in Ian Paisley's church.
Sean Hannity gave her Hell! I was really happy he did that1 He had reported on a thing they did in our gulag and reported inaccurately on it. Maybe he didn't know, I was really angry at the time of that program. Well he's better than made up for that error.
Someone on the Right HAD to be the one to take this outfit to task!
Basically the Christian Nationalist and Dominionists are not any better than the Christian edition of the Talban, and frankly they would make everyone else, including Christians who differ be in a position that the Muslims are accused of putting 'dhimmi' in. These people want to execute women for having sex before marriage which is something that Muslims don't advocate, a 100 lashes may suck but at least one isn't dead!
I am really alarmed at the presence of these people in our society.
These people do not in fact live as Christians, they are bigots with a political agenda.
I was really delighted that someone as right wing as Sean Hannity has seen this as clearly as I have. It is about time.
I think these people need to be shown for the hypocrites that they are.

Sean Hannity Show

Om the local front! This young man Brad, has done a lot to help the Yakima Gulag People's Institute of Higher Re:Education! He helped with setting up a new recycling program, and that's him on the front page of our local paper. He's one of the people who sit at the famous Table!
Not just anyone gets to sit at OUR Table! Hej Paige, this is just one example of how our Table is newsworthy, in case you need ammunition to pitch this story!

photo courtesy Trinity of Goth Barbie and Gothic Tendancies! Hvala Najlipsa!

Her Blog is right here, she did a good story on it

Little Brother in the News

and then this was just kind of cute and whimsical!

Fairy Doors!

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