Monday, May 22, 2006


Follow up on Montenegrin Vote and other news

Montenegro Vote is Front Page News in Croatia

I had no idea Montenegro had any surviving royal family that is known as a royal family.
Then again if the Ottomans and the Hapsburgs could, why not the Montenegrins?

Crown Prince of Montenegro favors Independance

Note man in Montenegrin national dress voting.

Serbian View of Montenegro Vote

UN High Representative in front of BiH Parliment

Of course anything the U.S. does is wrong according to 'Pravda'! I still think sending those guys back to China when they didn't do anything to Americans isn't right, in fact even sending them to Albania was and dangerous, sort of a back door eventual hand back because Albania is a strong ally of China.
Everyone knew that there could be innocent people caught up in this and that there should have been a plan for their safe release. Assylum might have been a reasonable choice.

Uzbek anti-terrorism official accuses US

I think that the separation of Montenegro from Serbia is going to make it yet more complicated finding and prosecuting the war criminals and another thing, it is known that Montenegrins participated in such crimes. A Montenegrin general was in charge of the bombardment of the city of Dubrovnik for example..
Karadzic is said to slip into Montenegro from time to time. I don't think a sufficiently strict border regime is possible on the Republika Srpska Montenegrin border, because it's a place of steep mountains and large areas where no one lives.,,3-2191643,00.html

Analysis: Mladic issue swung vote in Montenegro

Croatian American Hero's Relatives recieve the Medal of Honor

And a different sort of culture....

Only three Bulgarian Yogurt Brands have Bulgaricus Culture

Now wait a minute, isn't unemployment pretty high in Russia?

Russia wants Montenegrin workers

Locally the weather has been rainy. We had a small anti-war demonstration in the rain. Some nice lady brought us a few cheap umbrellas to use. At the end the umbrellas were put in the back of the truck to use in case of rain next time.

It is again overcast today. At least it's cooler! The rosebushes out back are blooming now too. They look so lovely!

I don't think Albania has good political relations with China. In fact it looks like Albania will support Japan on its bid for a permanent seat at the Security Council, to the dismay of China.

The problem now is that when you are small and poor, somebody like China can bully you. Albania recieved them for the sake of the relationship with the US, not because they were into saving them or anything like that. If you remember from a while back, even Italy gave up the Kurdish leader Ocalan when Turkey threatened to cut all economic relations with Italy. Only a handful of countries can afford to piss off relations with China for the sake of 5 Uighurs.
@warchild: They historically DID under Enver Hoxa have good relations with China, which gives China some edge they might not have, either way; it can amount to a 'back door extradition' of guys that didn't do anything according th U.S. authorities.
Frankly that is a situation where asylum would have been the decent thing to do, and either way the five Uighers are screwed!
Had they gotten asylum here someone might have spoken Uigher, there are people who speak every language on Earth here, and they
could have been helped about work, and compensated for all the stuffthey went through. The point is they were innocent of any actions against the U.S. and it's the fault of the U.S. in some ways that there are insurgents in China, it was the CIA that was used to fund their operations in the first place.
I agree that the US itself was the best option. There is an Uighur community in DC. However, they were held under special circumstances and out of the reach of law for what Washington wanted us to believe were very good reasons. They were all considered guilty just by being in Afghanistan. It would be quite an embarrassment for the "ex-terrorists" to wander around DC now after the scandal that Gitmo has been and will most likely continue to be.
@warchild, I should point out that the Uigher guys were proven innocent of any plan against the U.S. any attack against the U.S. and Uighers often have legitimate business in Afghanistan, the famed Silk Road passes through there!
I think it would have been a great mark of courage and integrity had they been offered refuge here, admitting to and making amends for mistakes is a mark of strenght! It would have been a very great deed and I'm sorry and disappointed that that is not the course that was followed, the point again is that they are known to have been INNOCENT of any deeds against the U.S.
The U.S. is really about the last country remaining powerful enough that it can even consider pissing off China!
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