Tuesday, April 11, 2006


The sun is out and the birds are singing!

Ljalic resigns from another post
First Terrorism Case in BiH comes to trial

While there is the tradition of the 'sworn virgins' in Albanian society, these women who for social purposes are men are a very different matter from Lesbians. I don't know about it, but I suspect that Lesbians do not have a good social position in Albanian society. I'm glad she was able to stay in Britain.
Lesbian Assylum Seeker Allowed to Stay in Britan

Apples are selling like hotcakes in Croatia

Top ten underpriced European cities

Sesame Street in Kosovo

Counci of Slavic Peoples Calls for Dissolution of the Hague Tribunall In my day this might have been called a 'front organization' or something....

Sorry Owen we don't have enough to share! :(
Yakima is inland and what is called High Desert, in fact if it were not for irrigation, there would not be the agricultural economy we have here.
This is the lame no real profile of askinstoo: http://www.blogger.com/profile/13749293 If someone knows how to block this person, or how to report him, please get in touch.
While I welcome real interchange, I do not welcome comment spam. I have to say also I bet whatever it is this idiot is offering is probably a scam. I have not bothered to look because links like that are usually full of spy-ware. People who do comment scam and who make and deliberately distribute spy-ware make me want to hurt things and break people. It all needs to stop, there are LEGITIMATE ways to make a little money on the internet. This is NOT one of them.
What a pathetic little drkar you are Askinstoo!
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