Sunday, April 09, 2006


So I was stuck in the laundromat

What with all the rain and getting back into classes laundry didn't get done. It didn't help that I have to tell my son to bring it upstairs and sometimes I forget that part and sometimes he doesn't remember. We had dirty towels. Time in the laudnromat was inevitable.
I dislike the laundromat closest to us on a number of counts. One of them is the decrepit nature of the place, the other is the lack of machines. The other two laundromats I know of are in a bad area of town, where there are a lot of people I'd rather not deal with, and they lack attendants.
I really prefer to wash clothes in a laundromat where there is an attendant. So I sat there waiting for stuff to wash and got into a conversation with the attendant and one of the regulars. He turned out to be a very interesting person. His mother used to work for President Reagan. I could tell he was probably a Republican because many of his towels and throw rugs were decorated with elephants. That's fine, I had my red bag from the convention in 2000, with the stuff about the Democratic convention. We ended up comparing travel notes, about the Soviet Union when it was the Soviet Union, he met Andropov, Saudi Arabia, and BiH, he'd never been. I was impressed with the fact that this man was a civil person, and enjoyed meeting him.
Something in the conversation gave me a feeling of hope that on the other side there are some decent people.
I tried and tried to call home, so my son could come get me. No answer no answer so I called my daughter's place and asked that they e-mail him to please get me. I thought maybe he forgot to turn on the ringer to the phone.
My daughter set out to come get me.
Meanwhile my son arrived knowing he was in deep trouble. I don't awfully like going to the laundromat in the first place, even this one, because it's being stuck someplace. I especially don't like being stuck there a lot longer than I had to be stuck there.
Anyway he showed up. I told him I'd called his sister in the mena time so I tried to call her place back, no answer, meaning they were probably on their way to the gulag from the dacha.
Nothing for it but to go home. We went home.
I called again, six rings to get the anwering machine, and left an appologetic message. My son's phone worked fine when he got home, but the little jack broke some way, it fell out when he next checked for a dial tone.
I think phone jacks and the little plugs for them are a case of real bad design! I had endless trouble with them.
Well I'm tired, had to hunt down my math book and decided to see if I could lighten the amount of stuff I carry to school. I decided to take fewer things, but I probably am going to change my mind about the CD player. There's times it really is good to have it along.
County convention wasn't bad. I am an alternate delegate, got to see a lot of my friends.

Askinstoo gubise!
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