Thursday, April 06, 2006


Freezing cold again this morning.

CIA Used the Dubrovnik Airport

Rest of Story

More Detail on Milosesevic Report

The Donaldson case. This man was an informer, possibly a double-agent. I have heard a lot of famous and terrifying stories about what the IRA used to do to informers.
Irish Story of the Day

I'll believe it when I see it!

Wife of Mladic says four relatives detained

I guess FEMA are not the only f****ps in the disaster relief business!
Mess from Last Year's Floods in Bulgaria not yet cleaned up

Five to be charged with terrorism in BiH

In Seattle, according to a report on Northwest Public Radio a number of Chinese illegal entrants were arrested after being seen to leave a fenced off area of the Port of Seattle. They traveled in a cargo container which was set up for a long sea journey. There was even a toilet! Both men and women were in the container, and they were at sea 15 days!
The last port they were in in Asia was Pusan, South Korea. I have to say that this is not all t hat unique, it happens every so often that one of these cargo containers is discovered.

I am not the only one out there who feels that the particularly difficult process of entering the U.S. legally is part of the problem.

Quotas basically are racist. They date from the era of eugenics and another thing is they date from an era of extreme hostility toward Catholics. One who hasn't read a lot of late 19th and early 20th century writings would not realize that the aim of quotas was to prevent the entry of 1. Southern Europeans such as Italians, 2. Southeast Europeans, 3. Eastern Europeans 4. Jews from anyplace. 5. Asians, whether from South Asia or China.

People have been arrested for people trafficking on the Canadian border in the last couple of days as well.

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