Sunday, February 05, 2006


Why to either rent a palco or sit in the nosebleed section...

This is Pajarito, the flying bull. He came into the ring and basically the first thing he did was leap the fence. Normally this would be a nice run around the callejon, and then back out into the ring. This 1,000 pound animal jumped into the first rows of seats. I've actually witnessed this before. At the time my family were conveniently located in a palco so no problem for us. Normally we liked sitting fairly close in. There is a respectable distance for a bull to cover if he's going to leap. He had to have pretty good legs to do it!
The teacher in the Spanish conversational class was rather pleased to have someone in the class who has familiarity with the bullfights and he told the story of this bull, in class, and asked us if we knew what the bull's name meant, of course we all knew it was 'Little Bird'!!

Pajarito es mi héroe...
tambien es me heroe! :) un toro muy bonito!
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