Tuesday, February 07, 2006


The Hell Hounds Go Tooo Far, your intreped correspondant gets it on film

I was comeing home from my errands at the Yakima Gulag People's Institute of Higher Re:Education, namely visit some of my friends hanging in the Hopeless Union Building and then going to see the head of Allied Health Department about applying for graduation sometime before I further sully my decent academic record.
I go the long way, and then come to my corner, and the BITCH is OUT, on MY corner and my camera is in the house!
Well I began saying the most awful things in Bosnian and jumping up and down and yelling at the dog. This actually intimidated her a little, she's trailing a leash. So I get in the house, grab my digital and run out and start taking pictures and then i took some film of her running around loose.
I went in and called the police and told them. They were gonna ho-hum the whole thing, and I said 'Look I got that dog on film I grabbed my digital to film her and it's decent film, I can tell when I use the movie feature. So Animal Control calls, I tell her I do have film that the female canine needs to be rounded up or I don't dare leave.
I get a feeling Animal Control are not big fans of these people. The female btw is a Boxer -Sharpei mix. She's a beautiful dog, but that is an aggressive combo. It's the fourth time she's been out where she doesn't belong. I don't know if the other dogs are loose or not, I'm not exactly going out and find out.
I told the lady at Animal Control that I'd filmed them before, and the film is up on my blog actually, while they were in the yard, more to be able to show them which dog I meant if it ever came to that. I told her about the woman comeing out and yelling at me, and she said 'Pay no attention to her, she's an idiot!' I told her I simply pretended not to speak English. It's an act I can do to perfectiion anyway now! She laughed her butt off!
Anyway. I'll have film as soon as I can get it up on MyTube.
So there go my outdoor errands for today.
At least for now.
I'm going to do one of them by cab after lunch, that way if Animal Control doesn't have her, I don't need to go right by her.
She wanted to come after me on my own damn corner. Well that's over. I think those people are in trouble now. Whatever excuses they've been giveing the City will be over.
The whole family of dogs was out! The mama who was on my corner harrassing me, the daddy and the babies all were out, and they were all barking at people. They came after a schoolmate of mine who had the misfortune to park near Hell Hound House. She is a good Christian girl, and nto apt to exagerate, she told me one student felt sho threatened by the adult male dog, who came too close and acted like he might bite the student so he KICKED the dog! I am not surprised, when dogs are that aggressive and they escape, as these ones did en masse, then the owners should not expect people to be all sweet about it.

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