Saturday, February 04, 2006


Assorted News

This is fairly big news. The General who was comander of Yugoslav forces was exonerated. he is now the general of the Macedonian army.

Croatia Exonerates Yugoslav General

Brigitte Bardo upset over dog cull By the way this has got to be the worst picture of Brigitte Bardot I have ever seen! I'm sorry the Romanians are right to do something about the dog problem. This needs to be followed up by a massive campaign to have people neuter their pet dogs so that there will not be a stray dog problem any more. Dogs can be dangerous! I like dogs but dogs need to be properly trained and cared for. They should not be allowed to sink to a totally untrained and feral state.

Krishna Devoteees in Bulgaria Note in the picture the accordian, I think it's the first time I've seen one of those used at a Hari Krishna event. Was it an unseasonably warm day in Sofia?

U.S. Disappointed that Serbian Army hid Mladic

OK disappointed I can see, surprised? please don't be naive!

Bird Flu News

No Bird Flu Treatments Available

Balkans countries with bird flu

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