Monday, February 20, 2006


As if the Bird Flu wasn't enough!

When I look at my paper and see guys in bright orang HAZMAT suits on the front page with a load of bleeding fish, and see a headline something like Mad Fish Disease, um it kind of gets my attention. This is really bad for Croatia. It is not nice for any place it happens. People are very dependant on fish in the coastal areas of the Balkans, it's a nasty economic blow.

Has Mad Fish Disease Arrived Among Us?

Rest of the Story

Since I'm assuming a majority of my readers read English, here is some information in English. I'ts a bit technical, but it's detailed

and will help you understand what exactly is going on.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Information on VHS

A slightly easier read from the EU, in English

Warning ugly pictures of VHS effects on fish

EU prevention measures

Saraynet's coverage of 'Grvbavica' Saraynet is worth looking at anyway on some sort of regular basis, I've read it weekly for basically ever since I've been online.

Bird Flu arrives in Bosnia

Other story of note in Saraynet, BiH has ordered the killing of wild swans in the area of Plivsko lake, this is near to Jajce, an ancient city in BiH, they have to disinfect the water supply, some 4,500 poultry in a three kilometre radius of Plivsko Lake, in 12 villages have to be killed, and other poultry in the country has been ordered to be kept strictly indoors. Of course this was just a matter of time.


Bird Flu slaughter in India

So is this yet another slow news day in Serbia? Or is this for real? Yet another story that isn't well sourced, the man saying this isn't giving sources.

Deal on Mladic Arrest?

Omarska Memorial will not be built

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