Friday, January 20, 2006


This weeks visitors

I feel slightly like a navel gazer to put this in but oh what the Hell zasto ne?

Too bad the USA pie piece couldn't be divided down to the state level to see the breadth of the visits there.
well if you go to the 'By Location' thingie you can see sort of, because which town and which city will be listed there. I am not complaining, it's FREE! :)_ Oh I got my first visit from Japan, and my first visit from Makedonija yesterday! And I have figured out kind of who is who among my regulars. That part is really cool.
I get them from all over the U.S. but the majority are EAst Coast, I am without honour in my own gulag though, few visit from here, and I've kind of publicised it too!
One thing pisses me off, somehow I got busted back down to 'Wiggly Worm'on TTLB, umm what's up with that?
I'm glad you visited!
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