Monday, January 09, 2006


The Most Expensive Tomatoes in the Gulag

Tonight I ate the two pretty little tomatoes I raised, I saved the seeds, there were not many a whole quarter teaspoon from BOTH. The seeds have been set aside to dry, then I cut the tomatoes up, cut up some onion and some garlic, and opened a can of tuna, and drained out the water, then I put the tomatoes, the onions and garlic on that, and drizzled a little balsamic vinegar, and a little olive oil and put a couple pinches of italian seasoning.
I cut a slice of French bread, buttered that and mixed a drink, Sambucca Romana in 7-Up. mmmm

I removed that last comment because it was spam, we don't allow that here, I don't want to have to turn on Word Verification or any of that govno, so don't abuse my hospitality by placeing spam, original thoughts only!
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