Monday, January 16, 2006


Martin Luther King Day March

I am really glad I reminded my son that the busses would run less today because normally he takes the bus if it snows. It snowed quite a bit this morning. I took the bus downtown anyway, to go to the march. A lot of my friends didn't go. Normally I would not want to be out when it's that cold. It was slushy, there've been years it snowed, but not like this year, the snow was comeing down hard. still lots of people did show up.
Of course all sorts of media were there, all three TV stations and the newspaper. Once at Davis High, I got to see the William O Douglass statue, which is really quite good. I haven't been there since the statue got put in.
The usual program was decent too. There were guys that did some drumming. That's when B. a guy who means no harm but can be a wee bit annoying asked if he could sit with me, so I said o.k. Don't get me wrong, he's a good guy but he's got some problems and he's very repetative sometimes. He was being particularly repetative today. Plus, he could really have used a bath. Anyway, after a bit, he saw some friends of his, took his stuff and went to hang with them which was ok. The music usually is good with this program and this year was not an exception.
There was a young minister, a slight man of slender build who gave a very good talk, and said 'No it's not just about race anymore, it's about other stuff too. Sometimes money, sometimes just preferences in music. You know, the people who like Hip Hop and the people who like Country Western just aren't going to hang with each other!' (quick aside here, Americans can be so musically 1 thing and 1 thing only! you don't see that so much in Europe!)
Then I realized the walk from the high school isn't that far. While I was downtown, I found some nice books that I want, they are about the Byzantine Empire, one is a seris, adn there's family trees for the various royal families in the Balkans in one of them, and lots of interesting stuff in them one has pictures of Serbian frescos that even Serbian Unity Congress hasn't got on their site. So I'm going tomorrow and buy them. There was in another shop, a lovely Eygptian coffee service, I really like it, so I may be totally indulgent and buy it. There were also some small coffee cups of the type intended for Turkish coffee. So I may get them too, I have some of the right sort of cups but they are really ugly. These ones are plain, but plain is better than ugly!
Right now I'm listening to some loud Gypsy Brass on Radio Bombardier, in Macedonia. It's good.
I love that music to start with, I don't know who these guys are but man they are good!
Anyway, then I have more homework to do. Reading tonight and a thing to submit written. I should go look at the two assigned reception areas and I decided which one to look at for one of my own. Hopefully no one else decided to look at it too, but know what, I don't even care. It's a place I can get to on foot.
I have to do that assignment soon, cuz the next part of this module needs to get done. I guess it gives me something to do Wednesday for Lab time.
The worst thing is I probably should not have been out to the march at all. I try to avoid getting cold, the problem is my boots that are light leak, the heavy ones don't but I save them for deeper snow because the raised soles on them make it hard for me to walk. I feel like I just acquired horses hooves, and I don't move well in them.
I made dinner, because I had a feeling my son would need something extra tonight. I was right, he had kind of a rough day at work.
Some days I have so much homework the last thing I feel up for is to cook. I try to always cook if there's a day he has to work and I don't need to be in classes.
Oh, I almost forgot, some fascist and yes I am correctly useing the word, not as invective but as a statement of political fact, posted extremely offensive propaganda against Dr. Martin Luther King, they put it up with duct tape. I pulled it off the pole, not a hard job, it has to have been posted after it began to snow, because the duct tape didn't hold, that or the fascist(s?) went with a cheap brand.
Unfortunately, assorted fascist organizations have attempted to recruit around the gulag in the past. Anyway, I don't care for that sort of thing.
Dr. King may not have been a perfect person, but this accused him of being an assasin! oooj! That was not something he would have done.
God doesn't expect us to be perfect. He expects us to try to do the right thing, but perfection belongs to God alone!
There is a lot happening out there, I'm bonked and trying to avoid catching cold, I need to see if the same stuff happens with my computer, I did a virus scan yesterday. So I'll have to see if that worked.

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