Tuesday, January 03, 2006


The Hell Hounds AGAIN!

I was returning from getting a LARGE and veyr expensive text book at the book store, it was snowing out too. Big fat flakes of snow. I heard a lot of barking in the general direction of the Hoodoo Hands House and the Hell Hound House. I really should have gone up to 16th instead of continueing on the same route. Once I was at the rather slippery crossing the Hell Hound Bitch came out, and ran in a snarling, snapping barking circle around me. JEBIM TI MAJKA!!! I yelled, JEBIM TI CACA!!, well that got a guy out, not the owner of the dog, he coaxed her away from me. The usually harmless brown and white dust mop was all hyped up now, of couse the Hell Hound Daddy Dog and the Hell Hound pups were all barking, but they were fenced in, or on a chain. I did not need that. I went out and logged into my classes and got my home work, and syllibi. There was a young man in the tech center who seemed very returned soldier to me. I pretty much can tell those guys when I see them, so I got very polite. The hell of it is there is a 20 page a day limit on what you can print. I am in maybe once a week tops. I printed most of what I needed, because he gave signs of being totally and inflexiably by the book. Not the end of the world, I can get the rest tomorrow. I am going to go early and do some work on my novel actually, in the writeing center and print some of it out, and then go to Deccio and get the rest of my homework.
My son came home dangerously stressed out from his job. I hate when that happens. it looks like this is going to be a very stressful quarter for me too.

Be strong Katja, and if the dogs give you any trouble we will send the fearsome Lajoš after them.
I am going to sic some nasty figures of authority on them, if that fails I can still go all Balkans on them!
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