Saturday, January 28, 2006


Extreme Cold Killing people all over Eastern Europe.

The cold has been so bad throughout Eastern Europe, and there have been people dying. One small newborn baby died in Bulgaria because her family were so poor they could not afford heat. Adults too have died from the cold.
It hasn't only affected people, of whom in Romania 55 have died. href=">55 Deaths in Romia from Cold Weather have died, but over 100 Red Breasted Water Hens froze to death as well.
Also the bird flu has crossed into humans, a woman in Romania is sick with it now.Bird Flu Victim in Romania

Then there was an attempt to take meat which was 21 years old into Bulgaria, the meat was from Ireland and they think it could even have had mad cow disease. That's wierd because I didn't hear of mad cow disease in Ireland at that time. Still 21 years old how does meat end up sitting around someplace for that long? SERIOUSLY!
The other news is that one of the people who handled Mladic's security got arrested.Mladic's Head of Security arrested

This gives you an idea of how serious the snow is in Eastern Europe this year.
Collapse under snow

A good idea since the courts are pretty crowded in Croatia. Might this not be useful elsewhere?

Mediation Center for Croatia

The Kukeri tradition is really interesting, and they had a nice picture of one of the masks.

International Kukeri Festival in Bulgaria

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