Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Was Gotovina in the pay of the CIA? and other stuff.

Slobdna Dalmacija has an article about this.
Gotovina in CIA pay?

Rest of the Story

Srebenica Televised killigns on trial

Companies which operate like Lidl ought to be banned, in fact my attitude on this is that banning might be too much mercy. I did not hear about the headband story, it's DISGUSTING! The ones that thought of that one should be lined up and shot. Read down a little you will see what I'm talking about. I'm glad people in Croatia don't want these sorts of companies in their country, shows that they have more balls than Americans, or Germans for that matter. Do you realize how hard it is to have a company with no Workers Council in Germany, the Walmart in Germany has a Workers Council and the German Walmart workers may be the only satisfied Walmart workers in the world. They were in the film about Walmart shown Dec. 2 at the Yakima Gulag People's Institute of Higer Re:Education.
And you thought Walnart was bad?

Didn't the Kosovo-Metohija thing get tried before? Actually at the time it worked then Milosevic took away that status which was one of the causes of the war in the Balkans. I'm not sure if independance for Kosovo is the solution or not, but I do know that autonomy, even broad reaching autonomy was too vulnerable, and it will only start the next war.


More Kosovo news....

And monkeying around with property rights is not going to help either! One thing that could be said for the Balkans is that property rights, particularly the rights involveing land, were more respected from even the most ancient times than property rights in the West even. So to see this sort of thing happening, is very disquieting to say t he least. I should make note of one fact about the article, while in general , SEEEUROPE.net is an objective source, Serbiana in general is not objective, they have a dfeinate point of view, still if indeed this is what is happening, then I have to say that the seeds of the next war could be in these types of abuses. The Serbs were wrong to massacre and oppress Albanians in Kosovo, but the Albanians don't get the right to plunder and drive out Serbs from that fact.
I am not happy if the West is aiding and abetting such a process.

Ramzan Shiti Captured

In Bosnia Hercegovina an idea who'se time has come.
Stronger Central Cabinet in BiH

Interestingly the site characterized Bulgaria as racist on the basis of this survey.

Attitudes toward immigrants

and in furter Bulgarian news..
First of Balgarian Troops Return From Iraq

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