Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Today marks the end of the Bosnian war

I remember reading that the end of the war came in one of the worst winters recorded in Bosnia and Hercegovina and that those people who moved around to be in the different entities suffered very greatly in the move, there were some pictures in the New Yorker at that time that were heart rending, but there was one thing, a very important thing, she shooting was over, and there was a chance to make something better.
War basically falls into two catagories, attack and defense, it does not come in good and bad, because it's all bad. To pick a side in a war is to decide between two evils.
That does not mean both sides are morally equivalent, it means that both sides have taken up arms and one is decideing who is closer to being justified in so doing. Sometimes the decision is taken because of where one's land is, where are one's family liveing, sometimes the decision is taken for you because of these things.
Some people never got a choice whether or not to fight.
As war has gotten more modern, more people do come home wounded, but alive, but more people are affected by modern means of war, it's at the point where in a modern war the safest thing to be is a soldier, and the most un safe situation is that of a non combatant. I would have less problem with war if it was soldiers, fairly matched, fighting away from people who are not soldiers. I could almost respect that, but it's not like that, if it ever really was.
A lot of thngs about modern life are barbarous and cruel, the level of war fare, the consequences of war, and the fact it is so common.
The other barbarous facts of war are lands destroyed by such things as landmines, atomic fallout, and pure destruction. The lives of people destroyed by the loss of their loved ones, of life and limb, of honor, and a place to live and the means of liveliehood, whether that means was agricultural, industrial or commercial.
You don't realize haw bad war is until you go someplace where there recently was a war, and simply look around, and talk to people, or unless you have had the misfortune to be in a war. For most of us war is only theoretical, until it happens where we live.

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