Friday, December 09, 2005


I had to share this with you!

Incompetant Design

I have heard a lot about Intelligent Design, a new way to wrap the Creationist theory, and make it palatible for the scientifically inclined, an effort to reconcile science and religion.
yeah I will agree, there are many remarkable things about life, anyone who has watched ants can or bees or the stars can tell you that, then there's the other side of the question, this Universe has also many tricks and trapdoors, somehow I can't help thinking of the human apendix....other body malfunctions best left to your own thought processes come to mind as well.

Hmmmm!...On the flip-side, I can think of a few other body malfunctions that feel real good!! Hehehe!!!!

Bring it on Satan!

To be honest with you I'm liking the "inteligent design" theroy! I like it much better than the bible and what the evil preachers have to say. With all due respect of course!

We are definatly not alone in the universe! Something had to make us or encourage our growth.

Hi John,hope you are doing well! I think in the case you speak of you don't mean to speak of a malfunction!

I'm talking about stuff that doesn't work as it should work, or that shouldn't be there at all, and blameing that on the Fall strikes me as really a bit absurd. Another thing, ascribeing so much power to Satan to derange processes the Almighty set into motion strikes me as a way of denying the Power of the Almighty.
I put this in simply as sn alternative to consider. I don't know why or how some of the more serious and relevant to the Balkans stuff I've posted resulted in less discussion or none at all. The person above you seems to have made her blog solely to post her idea of an answer to me over a subject, how we got here, which to me, matters less than what we do now that we ARE here.
To discuss matters of war, is to discuss what we do now that we are here, and I have to wonder why so many people who so believe in some religion are so damned likely to kill others over their belief system? I am not here referreing to any single religion.

The Bible records the ethnic cleanseing of the Canaanites and the worshippers of Baal which occured in a way that would have had the perpetrators hideing from Interpol and tried in front of the Hague Tribunal if they did the same things today,

I am speakeing of Auto-de-fe as much as I am speaking of Jihad, of Jawhar as much as of Massada, because not only do people not spare the lives of others over their religion, they are as likely to kill themselves.
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