Saturday, November 26, 2005


U.S. Army denies existance of Gitmo type facility at Camp Bondsteel

Thanks Mario. Presented in the interests of fairness. I don't know what is going on there, but this looks at least like a plausible denial. It seems an unlikely location anyway because Kosovo isn't THAT remote. It's actually really hard to hide anything in that region, unless people are scared to talk or totally on your side. Even then, well I have my doubts. The exceptions I can think of are all 'local heros' like Karadzic, Gotovina, Mladic, people in other words who are strongly backed by one side or another, and not by foreigners present in the region. I still think hideing a whole camp would be difficult to impossible in the region. Hideing a few guys is another matter, that as we see is totally possible.

Long time no read!

I don't believe this either. Just doesn't sound right.

How have you been?

overwhelmed with school work and my NaNoWriMo novel, which I finished I validated at 51,050 words. Yeah it's a crappy little novel but not as crappy as Danielle Steele's average 'best seller' I'm srue it's better than curling up with a nice copy of 'Short verse by Radovan Karadzic'! I can't wait to do it again next year, I even have an idea, so it was not bad.
School of course has consumed the rest of my life, finals week, and snow is going to mess with my life too.
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