Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Probe of Alleged CIA prisons in Eastern Europe

So far of course there have been denials all around...

The CIA does torture, assasinate and has these so called "black" jails located in more places in the Balkans and other places.

Anyone who "chooses" to believe otherwise simply hasn't a clue.

Come on! We are talking about "National Security". That term alone gives "freaks", sadists and those who love what they do a supposed "justified" reason for their "evil" actions.

Close your eyes for a second and try to place yourself in your worste nightmare; some folks from the CIA make this nightmare a reality to those less fortunate not to be caught!

When it all boils down to it, though, does it even matter? Every nation has it's "clandestine-service" just as evil as the other.

It's a never ending "game" of "catch-me-if-you-can".

I just thank God I no longer have the "stomach" and mental mindest to engage is such activities. Not that I ever did engage in these kinds of activities.
Just so you know John, I'm not denying that these places exist, I just wonder how easy it is to hide them, probably pretty easy if one talks to the right people. The denials from governments don't much surprise me either, because many Balkans governments want to have membership in the E.U. and the E.U. doesn't want this sort of thing to be going on. So denial is definately going to happen. I figure anyplace you can manage large scale human trafficking to or from is a good location for this sort of facility, so almost anyplace in the Balkans is a good location.I bet Ukraine is a good location, perhaps a better location than Poland, Moldova has a lot to offer such facilities, so for that matter would Serbia, not that I'm saying that such facilities exist in ANY of these places. Trafficking itself has a lot of complicity by people in official positions,includeing the 'International Community' so 'black jails'intended for a population group disliked by a large percentage of the involved officials shouldn't be difficult to arrange, especially if the money is right.
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