Saturday, November 05, 2005


I just HATE seeing stories like this!

I just hate reading stories like this!

WHAT it's not a party until someone blows something or someone up?

Yes, this is sad indeed! What a waste!

This story remided me of a joke my old Serb friend and a few of his friends played on me.

We all were standing out in his yard cooking some fish and goat when all of a sudden my old friend exited his garage with a mortor round; a pretty large one at that.

I was buzzing pretty good and as he walked by me he threw the thing at me and said - "CATCH!"

I nearly pissed my pants. I spilled my drink and fell down trying to catch the thing. I did catch it though.

So there I lay on the ground looking down at this huge mortor round on my chest as I hear all the guys laughing.

I get up very angry and ready to go off when he tells me to calm down that he had disamred it and it was totally inactive. He had gutted the thing years ago.

I was the joke of the entire dinner that night.

All in good fun though.

As I look back on it, though, there were children present. I guess what happened wasn't a good thing to do in front of them.
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