Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Former Serbian Red Berets work in Iraq as mercenairies.

With all due respect, these guys are not MERCS. I don't understand why "security" personnel are constatnly called this. These men will not be engaged in "offensive" operations - only defensive to protect and deter.

At 8 grand a month they are getting ripped off. I know guys making twice that doing the same thing.

"Custer Battles", I think that is the name, hires static post security guards for that price. A much lower risk (entry-level) than what these Serbs are getting paid to risk.

For the Balkans, though, eight grand a month is damn good. That Sarejvo contracting company is getting paid twice, probably three times that amount per individual on the ground "in-country".
With all due respect John, I'm useing what was in the headline. I it's really bad those guys are not even being paid fairly for the risks they take. I mean Hell Iraq is dangerous, yeah considering what wages are in Serbia, and what the job situation is in Serbia I don't blame them.
These are elite guys, they are worth a lot more really.
Know what, it's just another way to be trafficked when you come down to it. Sad really.
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