Sunday, November 13, 2005


15363 / 50000 words

*Fires off a burst from the trusty AK47*Starts singing 'Bosna moj domovina* the dogs howl again, and then rocks are thrown at the house but I fire off another burst from my beloved AK47 and tell them all jebote! wearily I walk to the kitchen in search of rakija, aaaah Makarska Slivovica yes windshield wiper fluid to you silly Amerikanci! but for me mmmmmm the reward of a hard day's writing and annoying of neighbors! YES YES! sip slup sip Ziviot!
See you guys all in the 15-20k club, yes this novel sucketh but like children what sucketh groweth!
Dovijenja comrades! over the hill to the next battle!
yes that is the sound of someone not doing their homework! xaxaxaxaxaxaxax
oh don't think you can find me, I have an alias going. laku noc prijatelje!

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