Thursday, October 20, 2005


Kultur in the Gulag

Last night began the free Faculty Lecture Seris. Ricardo Chama one of the two instructors in Spanish language spoke on two class trips he's led to Peru.
He spoke about the trip, and showed a very good PowerPoint presentation of pictures and music.
I love Andean music to start with, and the pictures went with it so well. I particularly enjoyed the pictures of the majestic condors, those birds are so amazeing in flight, and the parrots and macawas comeing to the clay lick. The amazeing Inca ruins and the modern day descendants of the Incas also were pretty amazeing. I had a wonderful time at this talk and Mr. Pinon, my former instructor in Spanish gave a wonderful introduction.
He pretended it was a eulogy, and it was hilarious, full of injokes familiar to anyone who ever had a Spanish class at the Yakima Gulag People's Institute of Higher Re:Education and everyone enjoyed it. Then Mr. Jeske, (famous for haveing the name thingie on his desk which sas 'Satan') got everyone in to the nice reception which followed.

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