Monday, August 29, 2005


thanks to my son, mil gracias! hvala puno!

Right now, I have to borrow my son's laptop to post, please bear with the typos, I can' see easily at this machine as I'm really really really nearsighted. Expect not tho hear a lot rom me for the next few days until there is a new monitor here. I'm between quarters at school so I have to get the monitor either by borrowing it and paying for it later or waiting until I'm back at school and buying an new one then. this is a serious pain but then again I suppose it's better it happened now than right in the middle of a crucial test or something. Still it's been a run of real annoying bad luck around the issue of my computer!

Hey thanks to all of you who have been reading my blog and keeping things above the Slimy Molusc catagory, I kind of like Flippery Fish better!

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